a twist to your normal earrings

I absolutely love simple, clean, classic styles. But when you add a little twist to something simple, clean, and classic…… I love it even more! (that last bit was said in an Olaf” voice =P)

These rose gold pearl ear jacket earrings from Rue Gembon are so pretty!

…and because I’m such a sucker for packaging, I appreciated how they packaged everything with care with velvet pouches, gold stickers, and a handwritten note. =)

Fresh off the press!

Finally, whoohoooo!! After visualizing in my head for so long how I’d want my business cards to look like, I’m so happy with how they turned out!

First I calligraphed a billion times on scratch paper before moving to nicer bristol paper (hey! bristol pads are pricey haha).photo-13

Then after choosing the best one, I digitized the design and plates were created.


Mixing paints, test running, cutting, and more swooning over textures and some hours later…

photo 1

photo 4

photo 2

photo 4

photo 2

photo 1

photo 3

photo 5

After letterpressing, I wanted to add some soft watercolor washes to each card. I loved the idea of each one being different and handpainted with care.


(Those blush/coral/pinky-orange colors just make my heart swell haha)

photo 5

…AND VOILA!! My new business cards for A Cloud in the Sky! I’m not sure what I love more… the light and airy quality of the washes, or the HAPPY discovery that my rose macarons matched my cards haha! =)

…more to come! I’m working on getting that Etsy shop up and running!


messy moments in between

So much of what we show the world is the finished, perfect, end result. In an instagrammed, “facebook profile worthy” kind of world, we want to show our best. I remembered showing my portfolio and hearing the feedback, “it’s all great and all, but it’s good to see the process sometimes.”


I’m learning more and more that life, as in art, is much more about the process that got you there. And it’s along the way, in the quiet messy moments in between, where God is found. The long hours of practicing, years of waiting, lost hope, or rolls of sketchbook paper, the spilled paint and spilled tears, and the pain and joy of sanctification… these are the messy moments that make up a life. And as I’m putting in the hours and practice “getting it right”, I’m learning to love the God of the journey, the messy moments in between.

starting new

Welcome to the newly re-designed… A Cloud in the Sky!

Still ever so working-in-progress, please excuse some bugs and still-to-comes.

As I hope to share some inspiration, loves, thoughts, and journeys (both creative & not), I hope this blog encourages you.

A cloud in the sky… I find myself amazed to see God’s beauty in all things around me, and I’m learning to see Him throughout every frame of life. Here we gooooo! =)